I consigli del nonno
8 July 2021
Picking up the smartphone while checking it is a contagious act, like yawning: imitation by others occurs within 30 seconds, regardless of differences in people’s gender, age, or level of...
22 November 2020
New brain research shows that writing by hand helps children learn more and remember better.
8 April 2020
Researchers investigated age-related difference in lying proficiency and lying frequency. A large community sample (n = 1005) aged between 6 and 77 were surveyed on their lying frequency, and...
28 August 2019
Fathers with toddler daughters are more attentive and responsive to those daughters’ needs than fathers with toddler sons are to the needs of those sons, according to brain scans and recordings of...
14 January 2019
Parents who are constantly checking their phones may be more likely to have kids who misbehave than people who are able to step away from their screens, a small U.S. study suggests.
6 June 2018
Using hands-free devices to talk, text or send e-mail while driving is distracting and risky, contrary to what many people believe, says a University of Utah study issued by the AAA Foundation for...