Taste alterations and oral discomfort in cancer patients are neglected side effects of the disease and treatments.

They contribute to poor appetite, decrease food intake and affect quality of life, leading to adverse outcomes such as malnutrition and depression.

A case study including 100 patients diagnosed with cancer receiving chemotherapy or immunotherapy aimed to explore taste alterations in relation to other oral conditions causing discomfort in cancer patients.

Data were collected using two questionnaire forms: the Chemotherapy-induced Taste Alteration Scale (CiTAS) and an additional information questionnaire.

A high prevalence (93%) of reported taste alterations in cancer patients receiving chemo- or immunotherapy was found.

Patient age, oral discomfort and swallowing difficulty were found to be significant factors for experienced taste alterations.

No correlation between patients’ acidity of saliva and reported taste alterations and oral discomfort was found.

For more information

Taste alterations and oral discomfort in patients receiving chemotherapy

Københavns Universitet
Department of Food Science (UCPH FOOD)


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