



Bio architecture

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The ecological project: General principles


Designing ecologically means creating "healthy" buildings, which have little ecological impact. Architecture always had this objective, but materials used for construction in our century contradict this. In many ways "bio-architecture" is a return to those old objectives it was based on initially. This occurred due to the ecological emergencies and an increasing preoccupation with health. The first studies available on energy savings and internal pollution date back to the sixties.

Most of us spend 90% of our time within a closed environment. The incorrect designing and the presence of toxic elements found in some materials can be the cause of illness and common pathologies.
Indoor pollution had various sources, materials used in constructing the building and furnishing it may release harmful substances, excessive acclimatization, humidity or dryness of the air, an illumination without contrast or too vibrant, production of positive ions and electrical fields by appliances, acoustic pollution and vibrations, stove top combustion, the use of various chemicals to clean and maintain the house, chemicals used for the plants, tobacco smoke, and the presence of several microorganisms and molds.

The building is to be designed to last and to its functioning is to create well being and comfort. It should also be made not to waste energy, but to recuperate and regenerate it. An ecological building is a quality building, created without saving, but its materials last in time reducing the costs of maintenance. The costs of building may vary, from medium to high, depending on the level of comfort desired and the economic situation of the customer.
The general standards of ecological design are very well articulated. They are related to a complex reality, therefore it is almost impossible to implement them all. Depending on the context and possibilities the goal is to come closest possible to the ideal model, keeping in mind the main objective, creating harmony between the place, energy savings and the health of its inhabitants.

These are the general objectives:

  • Mainly utilize materials available in large quantities "in loco" or on the spot, unrefined, which need little manufacturing (reduced energy waste), and not harmful to the human health.

  • Guarantee the buildings flexibility foreseeing the possible future changes.

  • Aim for an efficient energy savings system (thermal isolation, natural lighting…). Depending on the local climate, use technological innovations such as solar panels and natural temperature reduction devices.

  • Guarantee the durability of the construction.

  • Use materials which can be recycled and re-used once the building is demolished.

  • The structures must have a natural beauty and a sensual comfort (sufficient lighting, natural. colors…)

  • Use "green" as an element of the design.

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