The U.S. Food and Drug Administration published its
annual report summarizing sales and distribution
data for antimicrobial drugs approved for use in
food-producing animals.

The FDA in 2013 released voluntary guidelines for
drug makers and agricultural companies to phase out
antibiotic use as a growth enhancer in livestock.
The agency said the antibiotics could still be used
to treat illnesses in animals raised for meat, but
should otherwise be pared back by December 2016
under a program to keep them out of the human food
The FDA Annual Summary Report shows increases in
antimicrobial sales and distribution from calendar
year 2013 to 2014: an increase of four percent for
all antimicrobials and an increase of three percent
for antimicrobial classes considered medically
important in human medicine, while medically
important antibiotics approved for use in livestock
rose by 23 percent between 2009 and 2014 .
For more information
FDA Annual Summary Report on Antimicrobials Sold or
Distributed in 2014 for Use in Food-Producing