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Vitamins: what they do and where to find them

A   B1   B2   B3   B5   B6   B7   B9   B12   C   D   E   K

Biotin also known as (B7, H) and sometimes incorrectly called (B8)

EU RDA (1) Per Day
European Union Recommended Daily Amounts for Nutritional Labelling of Food Products.
150 µg(2)

Best Sources
Cereal/grain products, yeast, liver, legumes.

Involved in metabolism of protein, fats and carbohydrates.

Deficency Symptons
Nausea, vomiting, depression, hair loss, dry, scaly skin.

Toxic? (4)
No toxic effects reported.

Storage, processing & cooking do not appear to affect this vitamin.

Did you know?
A substance present in raw egg white (avidin) binds to biotin and makes it unavailable to the body.

EU RDA - European Union Recommended Daily Amounts. These are the values used for vitamins for the nutritional labelling of food products.

EU RDA - Directive, 90/496/EEC, 1990.
Also information from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the American Institute for Cancer Research, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

(1) EU RDA - European Union Recommended Daily Amounts for Nutritional Labelling of Food Products.

(2) Safe intake per day.

(3) There is no EU RDA for vitamin K.

(4) Note that some vitamins in large or very large excess could produce toxic symptoms. Always keep to the recommended dosage as advised by your doctor or medical advisor.

The European Food Information Council



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