Instead of farming animals to obtain their meat, why
not farm the meat directly? India’s answer to eating
beef meatball without cow slaughter is Indian
American entrepreneur Uma Valeti’s company Memphis

“We love meat. But like
most Americans, we don’t love the many negative side
effects of conventional meat production:
environmental degradation, a slew of health risks,
and food products that contain antibiotics, fecal
matter, pathogens, and other contaminants," the firm
says on its website.
“Our concept is simple. Instead of farming animals
to obtain their meat, why not farm the meat directly?
To that end, we’re combining decades of experience
in both the culinary and scientific fields to farm
real meat cells-without the animals— in a process
that is healthier, safer, and more sustainable than
conventional animal agriculture,” it said.
"We work with scientists,
investors, and entrepreneurs to make groundbreaking
good food a reality. We focus on cultured and
plant-based meat, milk, and eggs—products that are
more delicious, safer to eat, and better for the
planet than their outdated counterparts."
e biotech accelerator Indie Bio, which was created
by venture capital firm SOS Ventures.
As shown in a video,
Memphis Meats is already growing real meat in small
quantities using cells from cows, pigs, and chickens.
The company’s first products—hot dogs, sausages,
burgers, and meatballs—will be developed using
recipes perfected over a half century by
award-winning chefs. The founders expect to have
products to market in less than five years.
“We plan to do to animal
agriculture what the car did to the horse and buggy.
Cultured meat will completely replace the status quo
and make raising animals to eat them simply
unthinkable” said Memphis Meats CEO Uma Valeti,
Valeti, a cardiologist
who trained at the Mayo Clinic, is associate
professor of medicine at the University of Minnesota
and president of the Twin Cities American Heart
Association. Valeti founded Memphis Meats with
Nicholas Genovese, Ph.D., a stem cell biologist, and
Will Clem, Ph.D., a biomedical engineer who owns a
chain of barbeque restaurants in Memphis, TN. The
mouthwatering reputation of Memphis barbeque
inspired the company’s name.
Google co-founder Sergey
Brin, who provided $330,000 to fund the world’s
first cultured hamburger, describes cultured meat as
a technology with “the capability to transform how
we view our world.”
Explains Bruce Friedrich,
executive director of The Good Food Institute,
“Cultured meat is sustainable, creates far fewer
greenhouse gases than conventional meat, is safer,
and doesn’t harm animals. For people who want to eat
meat, cultured meat is the future.”
The company’s products
will be free of antibiotics, fecal matter, pathogens,
and other contaminants found in conventional meat.
What about organic meat?
What about bio-diversity?.