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Protein in coffee with effects like morphine discovered in Brazil (2015-01-26)

Research done by the state University of Brasilia, or UnB, and Brazil's state-owned agriculture and livestock research company Embrapa have discovered a protein in coffee with effects similar to morphine, in other words they have an analgesic and sedative activity, scientists said on Saturday.

A communique from Embrapa said that its Genetics and Biotechnology Resources Division and the UnB successfully "identified previously unknown fragments of protein - peptides - in coffee that have an effect similar to morphine, in other words they have an analgesic and sedative activity."
Those peptides, the note said, "have a positive differential: their effects last longer in experiments with laboratory mice." According to the scientists, it lasted up to four hours and no side effects were recorded.

The two institutions applied for patents to Brazilian regulators for the seven "opioid peptides" identified in the study.

The discovery of the molecules came through the doctorate research work of Felipe Vinecky of the Molecular Biology Department at UnB who with Embrapa were looking to combine coffee genes to improve the quality of the grain: while analyzing the coffee genome sequence and corresponding proteins, Vinecky and his research adviser Carlos Bloch Junior found some proteins similar to those typical for humans. So they decided to synthesize their structural analogues and test their properties.

The studies also have the support of France's Centre for International Cooperation on Agricultural Research and Development.

For more information
Universidade de Brasília, UnB

Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa

Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)